Last Updated on July 19, 2024

Since June 2018, new rules for learner drivers have allowed them to drive on motorways in England, Scotland, and Wales under specific conditions. For many learner drivers, the idea of navigating these high-speed roads can be intimidating. With multiple lanes, high speeds, and numerous rules to follow, the motorway might seem overwhelming. However, gaining experience on these roads with the help of an approved driving instructor can make a significant difference. In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about learner drivers on the motorway, ensuring you’re well-prepared and confident.

Can Learners Drive on the Motorway with a Provisional Licence?

Yes, learner drivers can drive on motorways with a provisional licence, provided they are accompanied by a DVSA-approved driving instructor and in a dual-controlled vehicle. This change in legislation aims to help learners build confidence and experience in a controlled and safe environment. Driving on the motorway can seem daunting due to higher speeds and more complex road systems, but under the guidance of an experienced, suitable driving instructor, learners can become proficient in motorway driving, making them more prepared for their driving test and independent driving thereafter.

Rules for Learner Drivers on Motorways

Can I drive on the motorway with a provisional licence?

Before the government introduced legislation back in June 2018, provisional licence holders could not drive on motorways. Thankfully, this changed to allow learners to get the level of experience they want, especially if they’re going to find themselves on the motorway as a new driver.

Learners must be accompanied by an approved driving instructor

To go on the motorway as a learner driver, you must be accompanied by a DVSA approved driving instructor. Learners are not permitted  to go on motorways with trainee driving instructors or someone who is over 21 years old with a valid driving licence for three years, like you ordinarily can when driving on A-Roads.

Is it compulsory for learners to take motorway driving lessons?

No, you do not need to take driving lessons on the motorway and motorway driving is not included in the driving test. If you think you would benefit from learning to drive on the motorway, speak to your driving instructor. Practicing on the motorway can help you with the following:

  • Grow your ability to drive in different environments
  • Practice driving at higher speeds with more cars on the road
  • Boost your confidence for independent driving post-test
  • Improve your knowledge of the highway code by putting it into practice

If your car, or a family member’s or friend’s, has learner driver insurance, you cannot use it on a motorway

When learning to drive on the motorway, you must be in a dual controlled vehicle. This means you’re approved driving instructor can take control if necessary. If the vehicle does not have an instructor’s rooftop box fitted, it will need L plates on the front and rear.

What are the requirements for learner drivers on motorways?

 To ensure safety, learner drivers must adhere to specific rules when driving on motorways:

  • Accompanied by an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI): You must be accompanied by a DVSA-approved driving instructor. This means you can’t practice on the motorway with a friend or family member, even if they meet the usual requirements for accompanying a learner on other roads.
  • Dual-Controlled Vehicle: The car you use must be fitted with dual controls. This setup allows the instructor to take control if necessary, providing an added layer of safety.
  • L Plates and Rooftop Box: If the vehicle does not have an instructor’s rooftop box, it must display L plates on the front and rear.

Can Learners Drive on the Motorway with Learner Insurance?

A common question is whether learners can use their existing learner driver insurance on motorways. The answer is no. Learner insurance does not cover motorway driving. You can only drive on the motorway in a dual-controlled vehicle with an approved driving instructor. However, learner driver insurance is still valuable for gaining experience on A roads and other types of roads.

The Benefits of Learning to Drive on the Motorway

The benefits of taking motorway lessons with a provisional licence are numerous:

  • Increased Confidence: Driving at higher speeds and dealing with motorway traffic can boost your confidence.
  • Better Preparedness: You’ll be better prepared for the variety of driving situations you might encounter once you pass your test.
  • Understanding Motorway Signs: Familiarity with motorway signs and rules can make future motorway driving safer and less stressful with a greater understanding of how to join and leave motorways as well as use lanes correctly.
  • More Driving Skills: Driving in more diverse road conditions will allow you to gain a wider range of driving experiences and skills.


Learning to drive on the motorway can be a crucial part of your driving education, providing you with the skills and confidence needed for safe and independent driving. While it’s not compulsory, many learners find it beneficial to gain this experience before passing their driving test. If you’re unsure about motorway driving, discuss it with your instructor to determine if it’s the right choice for you.

Additionally, consider the benefits of Pass Plus training, a practical course designed for new drivers that covers motorway driving along with other advanced skills. Pass Plus can offer further confidence and competence, helping you become a more skilled and safer driver in various conditions. Taking these extra steps in your driving education can significantly enhance your driving abilities and overall safety on the roads.


1. Can learners drive on the motorway at night? Yes, learners can drive on the motorway at night if they are accompanied by an approved driving instructor in a dual-controlled vehicle(this would be dependant on insurace, some insurers have curfews). Night driving can provide valuable experience in different driving conditions.

2. Are there any additional costs for motorway lessons? Motorway lessons may come with additional costs depending on your driving school or instructor. It’s best to check with your instructor for specific pricing.

3. Can learners drive on the motorway in Northern Ireland? No, the rules allowing learner drivers to drive on motorways only apply to England, Scotland, and Wales. In Northern Ireland, learner drivers are not permitted on motorways.

4. How can I prepare for my first motorway lesson? Before your first motorway lesson, ensure you are comfortable with general driving skills. Discuss any concerns with your instructor, and make sure you understand motorway rules and signs.

5. What should I do if I feel nervous about motorway driving? If you feel nervous, communicate with your instructor. They can provide reassurance and gradually introduce you to motorway driving. Building experience at a comfortable pace can help alleviate anxiety.