causes of road accidents

Main Causes of Road Accidents in the UK

Road safety is a major cause of concern for road users across the UK and there are thousands of accidents reported each...
points on a provisional license

Getting Points on a Provisional Licence: Why You Should Avoid This

Learning to drive is one of the most exciting steps toward independence for many people in the UK. However, holding a provisional...
driving in the dark

A Guide To Driving Safely in The Dark

Driving at night can be a daunting experience, especially for new or learner drivers. Reduced visibility, fewer road users, and the potential...
how to insure a learner driver

How to Insure a Learner Driver: The Steps You Need To Know

Learning to drive is a significant milestone in a person’s life, filled with excitement, freedom, and a few nerves. For parents, guardians,...
reasons for failing driving test

Top 10 Reasons for Failing a Driving Test and How You Can Avoid Them

Taking your driving test can be a nerve-wracking experience and can often cause anxiety. After weeks or even months of preparation, the...
defensive driving skills

The Importance of Defensive Driving Skills

Driving is an important life-skill that requires both knowledge and practical experience. For learner drivers, mastering defensive driving skills is essential not...
safety trips for driving near schools

Safety Tips For Driving Near Schools

Driving near schools is a significant responsibility, requiring heightened awareness and extra caution, particularly during peak times when children are arriving at...
supervising a learner driver

A Guide to Supervising a Learner Driver

Supervising a learner driver is a significant responsibility that can be both rewarding and challenging. As a parent or guardian, your role...
learner to licensed driver

Advice for Transitioning from a Learner to a Licensed Driver

Passing your driving test is a monumental achievement, marking the end of your journey as a learner and the beginning of your...

Common Issues Learners Have with Their Driving Instructor

Learning to drive is a significant milestone for many young people in the UK, representing a step towards greater independence and freedom....