I’ve lost my Theory Test Certificate! What can I do?


Last Updated on August 26, 2022

If you have lost your theory test certificate, you should not worry, it can be easily retrieved. When you’re getting over the excitement of passing your theory test, the last thing you want to do is lose your certificate. Booking your practical test will prove to be impossible without it, as you need your certificate number. It is worth knowing that you will not receive another certificate. Instead, you will receive a letter from the DVSA, which you will need when you arrive for your test.

Why do I need my theory test certificate?

If you do not have your theory test certificate, you may encounter issues. You need your theory test certificate when you book your driving test. It is also a requirement when you want to make an amendment, for example, changing the date of your driving test.

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How do I retrieve my certificate number?

If you have lost your driving certificate, go to Gov.uk, specifically the page find-theory-test-pass-number, this is where you will need to provide three pieces of information:

  • Valid Driving Licence Number
  • First Name
  • Last Name

Once you have retrieved your certificate number, you will need to apply for a replacement letter.

How do I get a replacement letter?

To sit your driving test, you must have a replacement letter that is provided by the DVSA, to show you have completed your theory test and successfully passed! Simply contact The DVSA with the required information below:

  • Name
  • Address
  • DOB
  • Driving Licence Number

After this is complete, you will receive your replacement letter.

When you receive your replacement letter, and the information you have provided is correct. You will then be able to continue booking your test.

If you are ready to book your test you still need to get as much practice as possible. Here at Collingwood, we offer learner driver insurance where you can learn to drive in your own car or someone else’s.

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