Policy Change FAQ’s

If you can’t find the answer to your question below, contact us via email at NuBee@collingwood.co.uk or call us on 0345 470 2550.

NuBee New Driver Insurance Logo

How do I make changes to my NuBee policy?

Log into your NuBee portal at www.nubee.collingwood.co.uk, then follow the instructions below:

  • Click ‘Your Account’
  • Click ‘Your Policies’
  • Click ‘Make a Change’ 

You can then choose the type of change you wish to make.

For example, if you want to change the additional drivers on your policy, you would select the ‘Additional Drivers’ option, located within the ‘Start Date’ section. You will then be able to make the required changes.

If your policy has any future amendments you have already completed, you will have to click the ‘View Future Policy/Documents’ button next to the latest future change in order to view or make a change.

Changes cannot always be made on the NuBee Portal for a variety of reasons, and in these circumstances you will be advised to call the NuBee Team on 0345 470 2550 to discuss the change you require.

You may be charged a fee to make the change and there may be an additional or a refund of premium depending on the new rating.

What if I change my car?

If, for whatever reason you feel it’s time for a change, these steps will make changing your policy part-way through, a breeze.

  • Click ‘Your Account’
  • Click ‘Your Policies’
  • Click ‘Make a Change’ for the policy in question. You can then choose the type of change you want to make.

If your policy has any future amendments you will have to click the ‘View Future Policy/Documents’ button next to the latest future change in order to view or make a change.

Changes cannot always be made on the NuBee Portal for a variety of reasons, and in these circumstances you will be advised to call the NuBee Team on 0345 470 2550 to discuss the change you require.

Please be aware, changing your vehicle mid-way through the policy year may mean there’s an adjustment to be made to your annual premium, and there may be a charge associated with removing your old device and/or fitting a new one.

You will be required to remove your Theo device from the old car and install this to the new one, we will send you a new cradle for the device and instructions on how to fit the device.